Category Basic Python Tutorial

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Python Tutorials – Range

range() function is introduced in Python3, in Python2 it is xrange(). Range can be used to generate a sequence of numbers. Range will not return direct sequence. It will return a range object of immutable numbers. Later we need to…

Python Tutorials – Format output

Previous Next User Input: Input(message) function waits for an input from user. Input function always takes in a string data type value from the user. Output: Enter: 5 <class ‘str’> <class ‘int’> Format Output: There may be situations, where we…

Python Tutorials – Operators

Previous Next Python provides various types of operators. Mathematical Operators: Mathematical operators are used to perform mathematical operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division. In addition to that the modulus, Floor division, Exponential operators also available. Conditional Operators: Conditional operators are…

Python Tutorials – Naming conventions

Variable names, function names, class-method names: Use lower case words separated by underscore. Class Name: Each word starts with Capital letter. No Underscore. (Camel Case) Constant: Full Upper-case words separated by underscore. Some common best practices: Most of the time,…

Python Tutorials – Data Types

Each variable must be categorized into a type of value. Based on the type, the variable will be used for the mathematical or logical operations. For example, we can use mathematical operations such as addition, multiplication can only be applied…