Python Zip and Enumerate Function, Exceptions in Zip, Use of Enumerate Function, Bonus Tip - Using both zip and enumerate together.
Python Anonymous or Lambda Functions, What is an Anonymous Function, Why it is called Lambda Functions, Advantages of Lambda, What is Not a Disadvantage
Python Map and Filter Functions, Explained with example, Comparison of Map and Filter, Filter and Map functions comparison with For Loop.
Python List Comprehension, Connection with Mathematics, Examples, List Comprehension with If statements and IF Else statements, Simplified for loops
Python Functions, Parameterized Function, Named Parameters, Function Return Values, Multiple Return Values in Functions, Function Type Hints
We can convert a type of data structure to another type. Learn to convert the type of a data structure to another type.
Python Tutorial on String Manipulation - Lower, Upper, Slice operations, Extract by Index, Split, Strip, Join, Title, Capitalize, Count
Dictionary is a collection of Key value pairs. key must be unique, value can be duplicated. Value part can be retrieved using the key part.
Python Tuples & Sets - Heterogeneous -Immutability
Python Data Structures - List - Pop - Remove - Extend - Insert - Extend - Functions and its usage. Sorting a list - Immutable List