Python Short Quiz #4 – Strings

Previous Next User Input: Input(message) function waits for an input from user. Input function always takes in a string data type value from the user. Output: Enter: 5 <class ‘str’> <class ‘int’> Format Output: There may be situations, where we…
Previous Next Python provides various types of operators. Mathematical Operators: Mathematical operators are used to perform mathematical operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division. In addition to that the modulus, Floor division, Exponential operators also available. Conditional Operators: Conditional operators are…
Variable names, function names, class-method names: Use lower case words separated by underscore. Class Name: Each word starts with Capital letter. No Underscore. (Camel Case) Constant: Full Upper-case words separated by underscore. Some common best practices: Most of the time,…